
Embark on your journey to becoming a registered capital market operator in Nigeria. Start your registration process here.

Operator Registration

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Nigeria welcomes existing and intending capital market operators to begin their registration process. Whether you are an established financial institution or a budding entrepreneur venturing into the capital markets, we are here to guide you through the registration process seamlessly.

Step 1: Familiarize Yourself with the Requirements

Before embarking on the registration process, it is crucial to understand the specific requirements for each type of capital market operator. The SEC has comprehensively outlined these requirements in a user-friendly checklist. Carefully review the checklist to ensure you have the necessary documentation, qualifications, and experience to operate in the Nigerian capital market.

Step 2: Access the Operators ePortal

Once you have familiarized yourself with the requirements, proceed to the SEC's Operators ePortal. This secure online platform streamlines the registration process, allowing you to fill out the necessary forms electronically. The ePortal provides clear instructions and guidance to ensure a smooth registration experience.

Please note that operators can only get registered and renew your license through the Operators Portal.

Also note that only a “Sponsored Individual” can register a business on the portal.

Learn more about sponsored individuals here.

Step 3: Register Your IPOs and Securities

If your operations involve initial public offerings (IPOs) or the registration of securities, you will need to follow specific procedures. The SEC has developed comprehensive checklists for registering IPOs and securities, providing detailed guidance on the documentation, forms, and processes involved.

Step 4: Undergo a Fit and Proper Assessment

Section 11(4) of the ISA 2007 requires the SEC to conduct a fit and proper assessment of all applicants for registration as a CMO. This assessment is to ensure that the applicant is honest, trustworthy, and competent to perform the functions of a CMO.

Step 5: Obtain a Registration Certificate from SEC

If your application is successful, you will be issued with a registration certificate from the SEC. Section 13 of the ISA 2007 requires the SEC to issue a registration certificate to all successful applicants for registration as a CMO. This certificate will authorize you to operate as a CMO in Nigeria.

Gain Insights from SEC's Knowledge Base

The SEC is committed to providing valuable insights and guidance to capital market operators throughout their registration journey. The SEC's Insights on Registration and Licensing page serves as a knowledge hub, offering practical tips, industry best practices, and regulatory updates to help operators navigate the registration process effectively.

Embark on Your Registration Journey Today

The SEC encourages existing and intending capital market operators to take the first step towards registration. Our team of experts is available to assist you throughout the process, ensuring a smooth and successful registration experience. We look forward to welcoming you to the vibrant Nigerian capital market.

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