IOSCO to launch 2019 World Investor Week to promote investor education


IOSCO/MR/22/2019 Madrid, 14 August 2019

IOSCO to launch 2019 World Investor Week to promote investor education

The International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) is preparing to launch its third annual World Investor Week (WIW) from 30 September to 6 October 2019, after its successful organization in 2017 and 2018.

WIW is a week-long, global campaign, which aims to promote investor education and investor protection, highlighting the various initiatives of securities regulators in these two critical areas. IOSCO members will provide, in their jurisdictions, a wide variety of activities such as launching publications or services, promoting contests and organizing workshops, conferences and other events. Many members leverage the event to organize further investor education activities throughout the year.

Given today’s digital environment, the WIW 2019 includes key messages regarding online investing, digital assets and Initial Coin Offerings, as well as re-emphasizing the basics of investing.

In last year’s WIW, IOSCO members and stakeholders from some 90 jurisdictions on six continents undertook a range of activities, such as offering investor-focused information and services, promoting contests to increase awareness of investor education initiatives, organizing workshops and conferences and launching local/national campaigns in their jurisdictions.

Ashley Alder, Chair of the IOSCO Board and the Chief Executive Officer of the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission, said, “I welcome this third edition of the World Investor Week which evidences IOSCO’s continuous efforts and commitment to investor education and protection, encouraging new initiatives among IOSCO membersand preparing them for dealing with the challenges of increasingly interconnected and digitalized capital markets.”

The dedicated campaign website provides details on the various participating authorities and the international organizations supporting this effort.

Download WIW 2019 press release

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